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Register with the surgery

We are currently accepting new patients.

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

You can also find out which GPs you can register with on the NHS website.

Registering with the surgery

To register with the surgery:

Once you have completed the form you will need to come into the practice with proof of identity to complete your registration.

Alternatively, please come into reception to complete the registration forms in person.

When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

What identification (ID) do we need?

Acceptable Identification; tenancy agreement, mortgage agreement, bank statement, driving licence, passport, birth certificate etc.

Until you have submitted your ID you will not be registered at the practice. 

New patient prescriptions

Welcome to the surgery, if you normally take regular repeat medication please let us know by:

  • giving us a copy of your repeat prescription slip
  • give us a copy of your medication label on your medication box or bottle which has your name, medication dosage and date

We will automatically put this on your repeat prescription here at the surgery. Please allow 2 working days for a prescription request.

Temporary residents

If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

To register as a temporary resident you will need to complete a GMS3 form. Please return the completed form to the surgery.

You can register as a temporary resident with a GP in England if you are in the area for longer than 24 hours but less than three months.

For further information visit, NHS: How do I register as a temporary resident with a GP?.

Related information

Named GP

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 7 November 2024