Fulham Good Neighbours
This is a long-established, local charity, working towards a community where neighbours look out for each other and offer help when it’s needed, from befriending through to gardening.
70 Rosaline Road, SW6 7QT
020 7385 8850
www.fulhamgoodneighbours.orgNext Door – social network for communities
Nextdoor is a private social network for neighbours and the community. It’s an easy way for you neighbours to talk online and make lives better in the real world from borrowing a ladder or finding a babysitter, to organizing local group. It provides a platform for community-based social networking and aims to use social media to make communities stronger and healthier. You need to provide your address to register, and are listed with your real identify.
www.nextdoor.co.ukCouncil Pest Control
Some pests, such as rats, mice, bedbugs and cockroaches pose a risk to health when they infest property. The health risks are lower where these pests are outside. Other pests, for example, wasps, book lice and ants are generally a nuisance rather than health risks. This site lists the services that the council offers.
Neighbourly care
Page published: 2 September 2024
Last updated: 2 September 2024